
There are two modules, numbers and primes.


mathlib.numbers.gcd(*integers: int) int

Find the greatest common divisor of the arguments.

The greatest common divisor of a and 0 is always a, as this coincides with gcd to be the greatest lower bound in the lattice of divisibility.

mathlib.numbers.lcm(*integers: int) int

Find the least common multiple of the arguments.

The least common multiple of a and 0 is always 0, as this coincides with lcm to be the least upper bound in the lattice of divisibility.

mathlib.numbers.isqrt(n: int) int

Find the largest integer whose square is less than n.

mathlib.numbers.modular_inverse(n: int, mod: int) int

Find the modular inverse of n modulo mod.

In python 3.6 and 3.7, the algorithm is based on using the Extended Euclid Algorithm, to solve the diophantine equation n*x + mod*y = 1.

In later versions this is just a wrapper over the pow function.

mathlib.numbers.fibonacci(n: int, a: int = 1, b: int = 1) int

Return the nth Fibonacci number.

n can be a negative integer as well.

mathlib.numbers.fibonacci_numbers(a: int = 0, b: int = 1) Iterator[int]

Make an iterator that returns the Fibonacci numbers.

The Fibonacci sequence is configurable, in the sense that the two initial values of it can be passed as arguments.

mathlib.numbers.binomial(n: int, k: int) int

Calculate n choose k.

Calculation is using the multiplicative formula, and is performed from the side that will minimise the number of calculations.

mathlib.numbers.polygonal_number(s: int, n: int) int

Calculate the n-th s-gonal number.


mathlib.primes.sieve(upper_bound: int) Iterator[int]

Make an iterator that returns the primes up to upper_bound

This method uses the sieve of Eratosthenes to return the primes.

mathlib.primes.is_prime(n: int) bool

Check if n is a prime number.

This is a deterministic primality test, but it relies on GHR. This seems a good enough compromise. It is very fast for up to 81-bit integers, after which it is starts slowing down, due to the fact that we need to check for all possible Miller-Rabin witnesses.

mathlib.primes.next_prime(n: int) int

Get the smallest prime that is larger than n.

mathlib.primes.primes() Iterator[int]

Make an iterator that returns the prime numbers in ascending order.

mathlib.primes.divisor_sigma(n: int, x: int = 0) int

Calculate the sum of the xth powers of the positive divisors of n